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    <meta name="description" content="Is Gabriele Leonardi a web developer?">
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    <!-- ▒ p ▒ r ▒ o ▒ j ▒ e ▒ c ▒ t ▒ s ▒ -->

    <regenerative-futures ="Multi-phase voting system">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="Regenerative Futures: A SPACE10 AI Design Competition" year="2023"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://regenerativefutures.space10.com"></a>
      <stack backend="Headless WordPress + Gravity Forms" api="GraphQL" frontend="Vue 3"></stack>
    <nome-studio ="Scroll anchoring with overlay route">
      <state ="wip"></state>
      <project name="Nome Studio" year="2023"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://nome-studio.gabrieleleonardi.com"></a>
      <stack backend="Strapi" api="GraphQL" frontend="Vue 3"></stack>
    <future-ensemble ="Modular grid system and animated SVGs">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="future ensemble" year="2023"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://futureensemble.co"></a>
      <stack backend="Decap CMS + Vite SSG" frontend="Vue 3"></stack>
    <pinacoteca-agnelli ="Complex museum website">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="Pinacoteca Agnelli" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://pinacoteca-agnelli.it"></a>
      <stack backend="Headless WordPress" api="REST" frontend="Vue 2"></stack>
    <davide-busnelli ="Using Astro in production">
      <state ="wip"></state>
      <project name="Davide Busnelli" year="2023"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://davidebusnelli.netlify.app"></a>
      <stack backend="Decap CMS + Astro" frontend="Astro + Vue 3"></stack>
    <twentyfive-av ="Trimming typography to the edges">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="25AV" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://25av.eu"></a>
      <stack backend="Headless WordPress" api="GraphQL" frontend="Vue 3"></stack>
    <fortuny ="Combining Shopify and Craft CMS">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="Fortuny" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://fortuny.com"></a>
      <stack backend="Craft CMS + Shopify" api="GraphQL" frontend="Nuxt 3"></stack>
    <capsule ="Not quite like the old web">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="Capsule" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://capsule.global"></a>
      <stack backend="Shopify" api="GraphQL" frontend="Nuxt 2"></stack>
    <giga-stock ="Funky animations">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="Giga Stock" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://gigastock.net"></a>
      <stack backend="Shopify" api="GraphQL" frontend="Nuxt 2"></stack>
    <prode ="Integrating an interactive 3D model">
      <state ="archived"></state>
      <project name="Prode – Scientific Production in Design" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://dev.gigadesignstudio.com/prode.polimi.it"></a>
      <stack backend="Headless WordPress" api="REST" frontend="Vue 2"></stack>
    <twentyfifty-plus ="Brutalist one page">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="2050+" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://2050.plus"></a>
      <stack backend="Headless WordPress" api="REST" frontend="Vue 2"></stack>
    <flavia-tschanz ="Block-based pages with multiple layout variations">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="Flavia Tschanz" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://flaviatschanz.ch"></a>
      <stack backend="Headless WordPress + WooCommerce" api="REST" frontend="Vue 2"></stack>
    <luca-venturelli ="Content has to breathe">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="Luca Venturelli" year="2022"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="http://www.lucaventurelli.com"></a>
      <stack backend="static" frontend="Nuxt 2"></stack>
    <nmthree ="Working with canvas and lazy loading">
      <state ="live"></state>
      <project name="NM3" year="2021"></project>
      <a select+visit="→" href="https://nm3.xyz"></a>
      <stack backend="Headless WordPress + WooCommerce" api="REST" frontend="Vue 2"></stack>
    <!-- ▒ c ▒ o ▒ n ▒ t ▒ a ▒ c ▒ t ▒ s ▒ -->

    <profile name="Gabriele Leonardi" birth="1994" role="Web developer"></profile>
    <a select+visit="→" href="mailto:leonardi.gabriele.lg@gmail.com"></a>
    <a select+visit="→" href="tel:+39 3396343299"></a>
    <a select+visit="→" href="https://linkedin.com/in/gabrieleleonardi"></a>
